Human skull
(Redirected from Human skulls)
English: The skull is the main bone of the head; the cranium.
Français : Crâne humain.
Čeština: Lebka je hlavní kost hlavy.
Italiano: Cranio è il nome dell'insieme delle ossa della testa.
Polski: Czaszka to określenie na kości znajdujące się w głowie.
Русский: Череп — общее название костей головы.
Español: Cráneo — es una caja ósea que protege y contiene al encéfalo principalmente.
Türkçe: Kafatası, beyni çevreleyen ve oldukça güçlü bir kemikten koruma sistemidir
Українська: Череп — загальна назва кісток голови.
한국어: 두개골(頭蓋骨)은 머리를 이루는 뼈이다.
Human skull
Skull front view
Skull side view
Disarticulated human skull to Beauchene
Skull front view
Skull side view
Skull front view
Deliberate deformity of the skull
Turricephalus of a 40 to 50 year old alamannic woman of the early 6th century; shown at the Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
Turricephalus of a 30 to 40 year old alamannic woman of the early 6th century; shown at the Landesmuseum Württemberg, Stuttgart, Germany
Side view of the skull
The skull from the front
Heikenwaelder Hugo : Skull
Vega Asensio : skull
Leonardo da Vinci, View of a skull.
Leonardo da Vinci, View of a skull.
Leonardo da Vinci, View of a skull.
Bernardino Genga: Anatomia per uso et intelligenza del disegno ricercata non solo su gl'ossi, e muscoli del corpo humano, plate 3
color label
"resin" bright
Evolution of the shape, size, and contours of the human (Homo) skull
Skulls of successive (or near-successive, depending on the source) human evolutionary ancestors
Female Cro Magnon skull
Male Cro Magnon skull
Homo steinheimensis skull
An Anthropologist examining a human skull that was discovered in a prehistoric grave in the Nile Valley, Egypt
Forensic Analysis
Skull showing sword injury.
Skull with gunshot wound.
Skull with gunshot exit wound.
[Mangas Coloradus] skull with gunshot wound
[edit]- See also Category:Skull X-rays